Wednesday, 31 July 2019

I Have A Dream - Martin Luther King Jr.

This is one of THE most amazing speeches ever made by an amazing orator and Human Being! It was delivered on the March for Jobs and Freedom on August 28th 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC. to more than 250K people. This is a very compassionate speech made by someone who stood for what he believed in 100%. We all know by now that he paid the ultimate price for his beliefs and the way he spoke out for millions of people. It is yet another different kind of speech in a very different delivery but wow....absolutely powerful indeed.

Saturday, 27 July 2019

A Story that will change your life - Lisa Nichols

Lisa Nichols, one of the main starts of the film 'The Secret' has an amazing story. The reason I included this one is to show you how personal stories touch many lives...and don't need to be an hour long either; This one is only 10 minutes. Every person has a story that will impact others. When it is real, from the heart, and has passion, it will move you! Do you have a story you want to tell but not sure how?...or, if you're like me, not sure if it is important enough? Lisa already shows this and when I started to talk about bullying and its aftermath, people kept telling me how they were glad they were in the room as they needed to hear that. People will need to hear YOUR story.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Start with WHY - How great Leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek

I have included this TED talk, not just because it is one of the most watched ones, at over 6 million views, but Simon explains very simply that your Why is more important than your HOW and your WHAT....and why it is so important in business and leadership....and, for me, it is equally important for speaking as well.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Top 3 Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Tips for You to Be a Persuasive and Dynamic Speaker

Here are the top 3 presentation skills and public speaking tips that will guide you to becoming a powerful, persuasive and dynamic public speaker.

1. BE A DYNAMIC SPEAKER - well, duhhhh, right? But here's how...
If I could offer only one piece of advice, it would be PASSION! Passion is at the heart of great public speaking and presentation skills.
Just as real estate's first three rules are location, location, location, speaking's first three are passion, passion, passion.
a. Pick a subject for which you have great, passionate feeling. Even if it's accounting, identify, articulate and feel your passion for accounting and speak about it.
If you must speak about something for which you aren't passionate, first try not to, but if you must, tell a story of passion (and humor) that is related to or associated with your subject.
b. Access the great positive meaning to you in your subject-meaning that is likely to be shared by others; not meaning that is unique to you.
c. Then don't "talk" about your passion. Don't describe anything. LIVE and share your passion through stories and anecdotes, actively, vividly and intensely experiencing the story in your imagination, heart, soul and body. Feel your story and it's great meaning I your entire spiritual and physiological being. Literally. Feel it. Then express it with your entire being.
d. Facts, figures, opinion, data, narrative are most often useless. Limit them as much as possible. Use them only and briefly as supporting evidence, not as a main storyline.

The second presentation skills tip: PRESENCE!!!
Presence is as important as passion. When you are wholly present in the moment with us, with yourself, and with your passion for your message: WOW!!! We will be captivated.
a. We perfect presence through meditation. Meditate! As a practice and in mini-moments throughout the day. Constantly check in with yourself and ask yourself if you are wholly present in the moment with whatever your #1 priority is or should be in that moment.
b. Presence is the foundation of all good things in life: mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, relationships (with ourselves, others and God), Peak Performance, public speaking, etc. c. And, again, meditation is the pathway to presence.

The third most important presentation skills tip for effective presentations: STORIES!
a. Don't "tell" stories. Actively, passionately live the story in the moment, in your imagination, then share your experience with the audience through your voice, words and, most importantly, your body (arms, hands, legs, face, etc).
b. Stories must be about meaning, purpose, with conflict and obstacles
c. You should not be the hero of your story. Play, at most, a co-staring role.
d. Live the story vividly in your imagination as you tell it. See, hear and feel that action
e. Limit or eliminate stats and numbers.
f. If you must use numbers, humanize it. For example, telling you that 50,000 people a year die from heart disease (or whatever the real number is), leaves you cold. However, sharing a story of the pain of one person or family because of heart disease can, if told well, profoundly move you.

There you have it. The top 3 of fifteen tips for powerful, persuasive and dynamic public speaking and presentation skills.

Christopher speaks & leads seminars on peak performance, leadership, & public speaking.
Chris has his MBA from Purdue's Top-20 business school, 13 years as a Vice President for Fortune-25 companies where he sourced and managed well over $1-billion in alliances and relationships. Chris left corporate banking and grew and sold his first company, Billing Management Group.

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Saturday, 20 July 2019

It's not over until you win - Les Brown

This speech by my dear friend and mentor, Les Brown, HAS to be on my page. I remember watching a recording of this in the late 90s and was simply blown away! I already mentioned that some years prior to this speech, I had decided Les was going to train me. This is his story and his best speech ....YET, as the living legend is certainly very much alive and speaking. I know that not everyone will become or will want to become such an amazing speaker as Les Brown and that is not necessary. When you tell you story with care and compassion for those around you, you will create significance as you WILL touch lives. There are some tremendous quotes in this 35 minute speech and remember these ones, "Never ever let the opinion of others become your reality"& "It is always better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than have an opportunity and not be prepared".......Prepare yourself!

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

The Power of Vulnerability - Brene Brown

This is another inspiring international speaker and author with a very important topic. Brene Brown talks about being more vulnerable and how much more you connect with others when you are. This talk is enlightening, informative, and funny. As a speaker her advice is worth listening to; Connecting and building relationships with your audience is a must and...after all, 11 million views of this TED talk shows that there is a lot of value in her talk.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

The most inspirational video you will ever see - Nick Vujicic

I wanted to share this amazing video with you because, for me, it embodies what a tremendously impactful inspirational speaker looks and sounds like and how he brilliantly interacts with youth, who are our future. Nick Vujicic, the Ambassador in our John Maxwell Youth Development programs, has already positively impacted more than a Billion lives!...and there is no stopping him. Nick is also a true inspiration in my life! Sometimes we are so busy having to look good and delivering the perfect speech when it is so much more about being yourself and connecting with your audience. When you speak from your heart and are authentic in your delivery, you will impact lives where ever you go.

Saturday, 13 July 2019

A Conversation With Les Brown and Jan Robberts

Some years ago I had the distinct pleasure of getting interviewed by my friend and mentor, Les Brown. To be learning from him and become a Les Brown Platinum Speaker was a dream come true for me as I had told myself nearly 30 years ago that this man would become my careful what you wish for! :-) In my opinion, Les is THE best motivational speaker in the world today....and his children are also amazing speakers in their own right. I will post frequently about this giant in the speaking industry as he is, and has been, and will be a tremendous influence and inspiration in my life for many years already.....and he 'ain't done yet'!